The American Chinchilla
Food, Fur, and Fancy - the triple threat!
The American Chinchilla is a rabbit that really can do it all.
This breed is a commercial type rabbit with a wonderful roll back coat. They are typically wonderful breeders with amazing personalities.
The fur of an American Chinchilla should be smooth, dense, and the texture should be fine. The surface color consists of wavy, jet black guard hairs, with a dark slate blue undercolor base and a pearl intermediate band, followed by another thinner black band. This creates the ring pattern effect of a chinchilla coat.
A ten week old doe. You can see the rings clearly.
The American Chinchilla buck should weigh between 9-11lbs, while does should range from 10-12lbs.
Also prized as a commercial meat rabbit, the American Chinchilla can be bred to be quick growing, with excellent shoulders, loin, and hindquarters that can produce a good amount of meat by the time that the rabbits reach fryer age.
American Chinchillas are also listed on the Livestock Conservancy website as being a Threatened breed, and breeding healthy, quality American Chinchillas goes a long way toward ensuring that this breed stays around!
A 4-week old kit being weighed.
There's also nothing more exciting than seeing American Chinchillas on the show table! They make a very unique, showy breed, and people are always interested in learning more about them.
While balancing commercial qualities with fur can be tricky, it's well worth it to see an amazing example of this breed in prime condition!
So if you are interested in learning about or showing this amazing breed of rabbit, we might have some stock available! Or you can join some of the great facebook groups surrounding the breed.
Official club page for the ACRBA!
Facebook pages:
~ American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders
~ The Official American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Association
Jarvan: An Intermediate buck wins Best of Breed.