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Moonglade Transport

~ 2024 Transport being planned ~
ARBA Convention; Louisville, Kentucky

We offer reliable transport to and from many shows / states!

If you are interested in transport in an area not currently listed, please let me know. I may be able to add routes and/or stops along current routes that have not been closed yet.


If you are interested in transport, please contact me on Facebook or through Email

Please also check out my transport group on facebook:

ARBA Convention; Louisville, KY




* Maine to KY (Oct x-x)


* KY to Maine (Oct x-x)



Discounts on Multiple animals being picked up or dropped off at the same spot.


Meeting along route only.  Contact if interested.


Show Links:


- Facebook Sales Group


Click to Enlarge Map


(Preliminary Route. Final route will be locked in by 9/15/23


Moonglade Transport Policies

Cassandra Arledge

Houlton, Maine

719 . 565 . 7649



Transport Fees: Route dependent. Will be agreed upon prior to transport.

Payment Policy: All fees must be paid prior to departure. PayPal preferred.

PayPal account:

Refund Policy: A full refund will be issued if the trip or stop is cancelled for any reason, within 30 days.

NO refund will be given if you or your contact does not make the arranged meeting place at the agreed upon time.


Transport Policies:

.:: All animals being transported to or from a coop show MUST be entered if their final destination or pick up point is that show.

.:: All animals must be dropped off or picked up during the window of time agreed upon. If an animal needs to be picked up or dropped off en route, the meeting location must be on the major highway we are travelling. Please keep in mind it is possible we will need to meet in the middle of the night, very early, etc.

.:: Each party will be given sufficient notice of when we will arrive at each stop. We will wait no longer than 30 minutes.

.:: All animals will be put into a clean carrier, given free choice hay, fresh water, and food if staying overnight. (All unless otherwise requested).

.:: All animals must be provided at least enough feed for the number of days the rabbit will be in transport.

.:: In the event that the buyer or their contact are unable to pick up their animal, that animal will be brought back to our quarantine barn in northern Maine, and there will be a charge of $1/day for the care of the animal. At this point, the buyer is responsible for arranging transport from us to the animal's destination. After 30 days, all unclaimed animals become the property of Moonglade Transport. If an animal needs to be transported to another show to be picked up, there will be a transport fee of $10 per animal.


.:: All animals will be checked over by Moonglade Transport for obvious signs of illness and stress. Moonglade transport reserves the right to decline any animal for pickup if illness is suspected, with pictures provided if possible to all parties involved. In the event that an animal is declined for pickup due to illness, we will contact the buyer in the event they wish to find a replacement animal.

.:: We will not transport any animal under 10 weeks of age.



By agreeing to use Moonglade Transport services, you understand that Moonglade Transport will exercise every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of your animal(s) while in its care, but understand there is a risk of injury, illness or death in transport. You agree to release Moonglade Rabbit Transport from liability in the event of your animal’s injury, illness or death during transport.


Last edit: 11/2/2022

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